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Out of Stock - ABS 6mm Conductive Rubber Cock Loop & Insulator
This electrode insulator is made from ABS (think Lego plastic); it's hard-wearing, non-porous and doesn't need painting or any other finish.

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When using conductive rubber cock loops for stimming, you generally only stimulate the dorsal nerves running along the top of the penis. The sensations generated are felt at the glans of the penis. Insulating the top part of a lower cock loop around the cock and balls allows you to stim the Dorsal and Perineal nerves leading to better sensations.
This cock loop insulator is printed in YELLOW ABS and then vapour smoothed for a smooth Lego like finish.
This electrode comes with 10"/25cm of 6mm conductive rubber tubing that takes 2mm plug.
The inner hole size is 1mm larger than the CR tubing; this 6mm tubing is a good friction fit, and you don't need a plastic locking clamp to keep it in place once fitted. Just slip it over your cock and tighten before plugging your 2mm plug into the CR.
1. Place the insulated cock loop around your cock and balls with the plastic insulator on top. Use electrolube to ensure you get good contact between the conductive rubber and your skin.
2. Attach a plug to one end of the conductive rubber.
3. For the second electrode, I recommend either a cock loop or a self-adhesive monopole pad electrode. Place the electrode either on your glans or just under it.
4. Attach the second plug to the other electrode.
5. Plug your cable into your control box and ensure all power levels knobs are set to zero output.
6. Turn on your power box, select your favourite settings and slowly turn up the power.
Tips For Use
• Always use conductive lube with conductive rubber. Never use silicone lube or oil-based products as they are an insulator.
• Silicone lube bonds to conductive rubber and creates an insulating coating, rendering it unuseable, so never use silicone lube.
• Water-based lubes will suffice if you have no electrogel.
• Cock loops should be a snug fit to allow for swelling of your penis without cutting off the blood supply.

Item #D 2x9

Regular price $27.95 

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