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Official PayPal Seal

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NOTE: On January 17th, the postal service and global post again, raised postage rates on Priority and International shipments.  You will notice a slight increase to allow for these rate increases. The average increase was around 4%.


To view our product categories, please scroll down this page
Normal Shipping Times have been approximately 1-3 days  

 Note: Although you may get a not secure error on our web site, be assured that the PayPal Checkout is fully SSL Encrypted and secure.

  Have a power box not working properly and needs to be repaired.  Contact Ben at Libidotools.com.  Ben can repair almost any power box on the market and is highly recommended and reliable by our company and many others who have had him repair their units. 



NOTE: Please refresh this page (F5 on your keyboard) if you came here from a bookmark or saved link to update to the latest products.


Inventory Closeouts
  Conductive Silicone & Electrodes - OUR SPECIALTY
Bulk Tubing, Flat Strap & Sheeting & Electrodes
Clips for Tubing & Flat Silicone   Conductive Silicone Packages
Cord Locks and Complete Packages
Stainless Steel and Aircraft Material Electrodes

Many to Choose From

  Cock and Balls

Urethral Inserts - Conductive and Others
Many inserts to choose from !!
  Estim Power Boxes & Other Electrical Toys

Power Box Outdated??

We Have Many Boxes to Choose From!!

Plugs 'n Probes   OxBall Products
Folsom Electric Products   P.E.S. Products
Electrodes and Power Box
Female Electro Toys - Plugs/Inserts & Other Items
A large Variety to Choose From
  Venus 2000 - Conductive Liner & Air Valve
Chastity Devices   Vacuum Cylinders and Pumps
Several Styles and Types to Choose Many
  Lubes and Gels
Joanne's Creations

We now carry some of Joanne's Creations !!


  Wiring & Adapters
Large Assortment to Choose From
Misc. Odds and Ends
Other Interesting Adult Items!!
Check it out !!
  Specials and New Items

Specials and New Items

DIY Products   Nipple Toys
Clamps, Cylinders, Electro and Non-Electro
Penis, Breast, Nipple, Clit Enlargement   Medical Toys
Concerned with placing your order online?  Call or Fax in your order.  Simply call 618-343-4344. If you wish to fax your order to us, please send all pertinent details including your credit card information and a copy of your order.  Thank you.

NOTE: Please be sure to refresh your web browser or come back to this web site before ordering a product to make sure it is still in stock or may have been discontinued.  Many have saved a page or pages of products to their Favorites in their web browsers and when clicking it are able to bring up the old web page and order the product.  Most web browsers will refresh the web page and update it, but there must be a few that do not unless an auto-update option is chosen.  This will avoid disappointment after you have managed to order a product that is out of stock or may have been discontinued. 

LOOKING FOR SOMETHING SPECIAL?  If you don't see an item you are specifically looking for as you are browsing the store let me know.   For example a particular PES, Folsom or other manufacturer's product, send me an email gary@happystim-usa.com or call me at (618) 343-4344 and I will most likely be able to get it for you and may save you a little money and shipping cost.  It is almost impossible to carry every product that I have access to.  If I get enough inquiries for a particular product, I will start carrying it on the site.  Your email's for special requests are very helpful and are always welcome!!!

PHONE ORDER OPTION: To accomodate those of you who wish to pay by credit card outside the PayPal system, you can give us a call within working hours.  If you want, leave a message, we will return you call and take your order and information as soon as possible.   We use an independent third party Merchant Account to manually process credit cards.  This is NOT connected in any way with PayPal.  If you wish to take advantage of this alternative ordering process call 618-343-4344

Please note that the published prices on this site are the official prices of the products.  In a few cases, the pictures may have outdated prices that have not yet been changed.  As updated views are available, these will be corrected.  We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this may cause you.