Out of Stock - Head Thing for Electrifying the Glans
Need something to give your head a good tingle or intense sensations? These heavy-duty devices might be what you are looking for. Once slipped over the glans, you can connect an
alligator clip connected to a power box lead wire to energize it for a single-pole electrode. They come in three sizes to choose from: Small Dimensions: Opening 1
1/8", Largest part in the middle 1 3/8", Length is 2". Medium Dimensions"
Opening 1 1/4", Largest part in the middle 1 1/2", Length is 2". Large Dimensions: Opening 1 5/16", Largest part in the middle 1 1/2", Length is 2". Be sure to use the Drop-Down Box below to indicate the size you want.   
Item #HeadTning